Summer Community Conference

Online June 8-11, 2022


Thursday, June 9th

Whose Recognition? Which Politics? Coming to Terms with Indigenous Refusal
(10:00am-12:00pm EDT)

Andrew Tebbutt, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Centre for Philosophy, Religion, and Social Ethics

Conversations about Indigenous-state relations in Canada often appeal to the language of “recognition.” This tendency is bolstered especially by the popularity of the “politics of recognition” framework among Canadian political thinkers, who argue that the recognition of cultural diversity and distinctiveness is essential for the healthy functioning of any democratic state. However, many Indigenous activists and scholars argue that Indigenous self-determination requires a “refusal” of this politics of recognition, because of the way it simply reproduces colonial power dynamics between Indigenous peoples and the Canadian state. Through an engagement with some of the key voices in this conversation, we’ll explore what it means to take this Indigenous “refusal” seriously. How can we take better steps towards anti-colonial justice, especially when so many of the existing “terms of dialogue” stack the deck in favour of Canadian ways of thinking? What clues are Indigenous voices offering for what alternative forms of dialogue can look like? These are the questions we’ll ask ourselves in this workshop.

Eradicating Poverty in Canada: Uprooting Inequity & Cultivating Change
(2:00-4:00pm EDT)

Natalie Appleyard, Socio-Economic Policy Analyst, Citizens for Public Justice

In this session, Natalie Appleyard will share research and stories from CPJ’s 2021 Poverty Trends report, exploring the challenges and opportunities of poverty eradication in Canada. Together, we will explore the systemic causes and impacts of poverty in a country as rich as Canada, and consider alternatives that would uphold the rights and dignity of all people, and the flourishing of creation. Participants will be actively engaged in exercises from the Poverty Trends discussion guide, exploring how justice requires changes at individual, institutional, community, and systemic levels.

Friday, June 10th

Why Are Some Conversations so Difficult?
(10:00am-12:00pm EDT)

Jennifer Bowen, Executive Director, Shalem Mental Health Network

In this workshop session, Jennifer will explore the issue surrounding “Difficult Conversations” using different models (including diversity, attachment, neurobiological processes). Following an opening presentation that will outline the successes and challenges of each of these approaches, Jennifer will conclude with a capacity-building workshop, offering solutions/tools for approaching difficult conversations in local communities.

ICS Junior Members Research Roundtable
(2:00-4:00pm EDT)

Héctor Acero Ferrer, Jueun Moon, Mark Standish (PhD Panelists)
Andrew Tebbutt (Moderator)

In this session, the broader ICS community will get a glimpse of some of our current doctoral students’ research. With a roundtable format, this session will begin with a moderated conversation, where Junior Members will walk us through their current work, followed by an informal Q&A with participants.